Be Involved » Parent Advisory Council

Parent Advisory Council

The TECA Parent Advisory Council (PAC) is a decision-making team. Composed of parents, teachers, and administrators, we develop recommendations for schedules, school policy changes, improvement strategies, and academic achievement issues.

Our Purpose

The Parent Advisory Council (PAC) monitors student achievement to ensure the school uses categorical resources in ways that are most likely to lead to further gains in student achievement and lessen the gaps in achievement between the highest and lowest performing subgroups.


The Parent Advisory Council meets bi-monthly to hear information and requests prior to the TECA Board of Directors meetings and helps make recommendations to the board for their vote. Thus, before items go to the board, they go through PAC, are voted on, and if approved, are presented to the board. This allows more opportunity for parents and staff to have a say in matters before they go to the board.

Most requests go to the board as “consent agenda items,” grouped ready for vote, because they have been previously approved by the PAC. Parent Advisory Council is the place for parents who want to get more involved in the decision-making process of the school to effect change.

Parent Advisory Council Members

Lupe Aguilera, Facilitator (Administrator)
Andrew Tuomey, Member (principal)

Parent and Staff Members to be announced...

Join Us at Our Meetings

We hold our meetings bi-monthly on Tuesdays at 4:00 p.m. virtually or in the library, located in portable 175. Spanish-English translation is available.

PAC Agendas

Please feel free to visit our Governance and Finance page for information on our Governance and Compliance Committee and financial information.