Educational Support
At Thomas Edison Charter Academy, we believe all kids can succeed! As part of our commitment to help all students reach their potential, we offer a top-notch special education program in all grades to identify, diagnose, and serve students who have special educational needs, disabilities, and/or giftedness.
Our Services
The percentage of total enrollment of special education students at TECA is 8.75%—more than comparable to the state average. As part of TECA’s commitment to a philosophy of inclusion and individualized attention to all students, we have special education services in place to identify, assess, and serve our special education students in-house and in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA), the California Education Code, and the El Dorado County Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) policies and procedures. We are active members of the El Dorado County SELPA by engaging in the SELPA Governance councils supported by the Charter SELPA leadership team.
The entire TECA staff dedicates itself to providing inclusive services and support to our students.
SPED Staff
TECA’s SPED Department provides for the educational needs of students with Individual Education Plans (IEPs), and the evaluation of parent or teacher-referred students. We staff our department with one full-time lead teacher, an additional full-time teacher, and paraprofessional educators. We contract a school psychologist, speech therapist, occupational therapist services, and other providers to meet the needs of our students with IEPs.
English Learners