Application Information
We are happy to provide you with the option of either an online or paper application. We accept online applications for the first round placement lottery from October 20 through February 10, and we accept paper applications once a month. For more details and information on how to submit an application to TECA, please refer to the Admissions Process page.
Enrollment Priorities
We give priority to applications for enrollment based on the following criteria:
Students who currently attend TECA, their siblings, and children of staff have first priority, as long as places are available, before places are opened up to other students.
Residents of San Francisco also receive priority over non-SF residents and are selected by an automated lottery administered in scheduled rounds.
Spanish-English Dual Immersion Program
We offer all subjects in the 50/50 model of dual language instruction in two of three kindergarten classrooms at TECA. If you are interested in enrolling your child in this class, please select this option on your kindergarten application. Students will have the opportunity to continue in this 50/50 program through the fifth grade, and we give students the opportunity to maintain their Spanish language learning in middle school with a minimum of two content courses taught in Spanish.
Students who transfer into TECA in second grade and beyond who are interested in joining the Dual Language Program will take a basic language assessment to evaluate the level of Spanish proficiency to help guarantee their success in the program.
Enrollment Requirements
Per California state law, all incoming kindergarten and transitional kindergarten students must complete the following:
- A physical exam within six months of enrollment
- An oral health assessment (dental exam) annually (by May 31)
As of January 1, 2016, according to SB277, all students who enter a public school (such as TECA) must be current on all vaccinations. Students entering seventh grade must provide proof of additional immunizations.
Transitional Kindergarten (TK) Requirements
For the 2025-26 school year, students must turn 4 by September 1, 2025 in order to be eligible for TK enrollment. Students are eligible for Kindergarten by turning 5 between to September 1, 2025 and August 31, 2026.
Proof of Residency
Proof of residency may include any two items from the following list that include the name and address of the parent/guardian:
- Utility service contract, statement, or payment receipts (from different agencies such as PG&E, water, cable, or garbage) within 45 days
- Both automobile registration and auto insurance policy (must be current)
- Homeowner’s or renter’s insurance policy (must be current)
- Property tax payments (must be current)
- Correspondence from a government agency within 45 days
- Grant deed, title of property
- Rental property contract, lease, or payment receipts within 45 days
- Section 8 agreements (must be current)
- Affidavit of residency executed by the parent or legal guardian of pupil
- Pay stubs within 45 days
- Voter registration (must be current)
- Identification card
For more details and information about how to submit an application to TECA, please refer to the Admissions Process page